WordPress Support and Content Updates

Our unlimited WordPress support and content update plans are designed to give you complete peace of mind with no hidden fees.

Custom WordPress Website Development

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Outsource all your WordPress content tasks to our in-house team of experts.

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Rest easy knowing your website is up to date and welcoming to your customers.

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Wordpress Maintenance and Search Engine Optimization

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Northnet Media SEO Maintenance

Here is what you get with a SEO maintenance plan from Northnet Media:

  • Regular Strategy Calls
  • Unlimited Maintenance Requests*
  • Monthly Site Audit Review
  • Monthly SEO Report*


  • Savings on Hourly Rates
  • Consistent Billing
  • Access to Content Authors
  • Access to Graphic Designers


  • Weekly Plugin and Security Updates
  • Priority Support
  • 1-2 Business Day Guarantee
  • Free Hosting*


* Available with a year-long commitment to our Accelerator package.

Here is what to expect with an SEO plan from Northnet Media:

  • Regular Strategy Calls
  • All Pages Monitored and Updated
  • Ongoing Keyword Analysis
  • Ongoing Competitor Analysis
  • Technical/Markup Updates
  • On-Page SEO Reviews & Updates
  • Weekly Position Tracking
  • Technical Site Audits
  • Organic Traffic Analysis
  • Social Media Tracker
  • Brand Monitoring
  • Backlink Audits

Considerations for a fully optimized website:









Did you know?

A fully optimized website should meet these benchmarks to pass these checks on a SEO Site Audit.. but that’s only one part of it. A lot of time and research goes into selecting specific keyphrases, as based on trends of what is being typed into search engines – and continuously reviewing these for updates. Consideration must be given to sticking to keywords that have a search volume, but don’t have a ton of similar pages using it; which would cause your website to fall into the latter pages of search results and possibly never be seen at all. And if your competitors are also doing SEO work.. you have to regularly review your positions and make changes to earn back your top rankings.

What is our next project?

Contact us today and let’s plan it together!