Northnet Media’s Blog

Welcome to our treasure trove of knowledge! Our blog is your gateway to a wealth of insights, strategies, and tips tailored to elevate your online journey. Whether you’re delving into the intricacies of SEO, exploring the art of web design, or seeking the latest digital marketing wisdom, you’ve come to the right place. Our posts are crafted to empower you with actionable information, helping your business thrive in the ever-evolving digital realm. Dive in, explore, and unlock the secrets to online success!

How To Generate More Leads

How To Generate More Leads

Are you a business owner that's ready to take on new initiatives to generate more leads? Be sure to check out our official Part 1 of this blog series, entitled How To Generate Leads; for 3 starting point initiatives that every business should have in place. And if you...

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How To Generate Leads

How To Generate Leads

So you've started a business... and perhaps it's going well. You have your website, your marketing materials, strategic alliances and networks. But like every other entrepreneur, you want more. Are you at a point where you're wondering how to generate leads? Many...

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The New Digital Marketing Strategy

The New Digital Marketing Strategy

Are you a business owner that's struggling to be found online? Like many, you're probably spending hours writing and creating content... all to see that months can go by and stats are all over the place. You're not alone in this! The reality is that over the past 2+...

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What is SEO? Why You Need To Learn About It

What is SEO? Why You Need To Learn About It

As an entrepreneur, your time and focus should be on your craft and contributions… not spent worrying about how you’re going to be discovered. The truth is that DIY-website building platforms will only give you limited options and guidance on this – if at all. That’s why we want to give you an overview so that you know exactly WHAT is involved and WHY you need to do it.

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How to Revive a Website

How to Revive a Website

Do you need to figure out how to revive a website because it is losing traffic? Some are not aware that if there have been no updates to a website in over 12 months, it goes stale. Even if you have no reason to change your website because your business is operating...

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How to Assess Competition to Improve SEO

How to Assess Competition to Improve SEO

Did you know that a crucial part of your website work should be done through assessing your competition to make SEO improvements? Most business owners assess competition as part of creating a business plan. But for SEO, it's different... To shape your SEO and stand...

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How to Increase your Online Reputation

How to Increase your Online Reputation

Did you know that your online reputation has a direct influence on, and can improve, your SEO? With every other backend improvement you can make to your website, it might not be enough without this. An absence of an online reputation may cause your website to not be...

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Backend Website Improvements for SEO

Backend Website Improvements for SEO

We've seen it before and we'll see it again... someone creates their own website for their business, but they have no idea what SEO is. If you fall into this category, don't despair! We have some tips we want to share with you. Many website design & publishing...

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Top Tips to Build a Great Website

Top Tips to Build a Great Website

In a world where you can teach yourself and use preset templates to build your own website, why hire someone to create it? That may be the reality for some people, but for many others the concern boils down to these frequently heard statements: "I don't have the time...

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